The moment of riding into flow

4 min readFeb 17, 2019

Exploring and discovering who, how and why I am during flow.

Photo by Kento Iemoto on Unsplash. Highway from Vancouver to Squamish

A captivating ride over 120km, the first time in over a year I did more than 100km. It was incredible! I rode so well without much training specifically for a big ride. It’s interesting that I didn't train for the ride but my mindset was still positive. I was so happy to ride out of the city into another town. Yeah, I do ride five days a week for my job as a bike messenger, however the riding style is short, quick and punchy. But I guess, that is somewhat of training that improved my abilities overtime. Small increments of rides building up the endurance and energy levels. Unintentional HIIT training and 40km-60km of riding everyday. That just becomes a standard riding day when your a bike messenger. I didn’t see it as performance building and progressive training. It was fun, joyful and a pleasure to be riding everyday, exploring city and enjoying the summer.

I felt super confident, comfortable to be on the saddle all day, relaxed and light for the ride. Another great addition was the awesome weather and the route were riding. Heading out from hustling Vancouver city, going north onto the highway that contours the mountains and coast and flowing downwards into a valley, into the mountainous covered town of Squamish. I’m so grateful to be riding on a bike to enjoy the beauty of Vancouver. Perhaps my training should not be for bike events or to be better at climbing or to be faster. Instead to experience and explore all of nature riding a bike. But at the same time, I love to be better on the bike.

My progression and experience in my riding has allowed me to ride so well, going up the hills in confidence by focusing on breathing techniques, pacing and directing my energy straight to my legs into the pedals. I love riding and learning new skills to increase my riding capabilities especially exploring the beast inside. My dark side was unleashed during the hilly sections and descents.

The rush and blast of power and strength to ride effortlessly. I felt unstoppable, confident and fearless!

My other side engulfed me and took me to Squamish and back to Vancouver. I am completely different on the bike but I still flt myself. I felt alive, free and unrestricted. Nothing could stop me from riding! Switching constantly on the bike between calming to exciting states. Embracing the emotional flows on the bike.

The moment of finding flow riding

As I focus on my pedalling and breathing I get into a zone, a state of subconsciousness and into a flow. My mind opens up; entering a meditative presence; reality is in present; clarified direction and attention; and accessing and revealing knowledge and understanding of a deeper self. The spiritual riding. Ridefulness. I love it!

My cycling experiences blossoms the mind to grow beyond the boundaries and into flow and creativity.

A sense of freedom for the mind, body and internal spirit to intertwine for productivity, performance and intentional movement. I meld into the bike, becoming component, no longer a body. I move with the bike seamlessly with purpose, adopting an energy connection. Sounds like wack! But I’m riding clean! Nothing illicit and state altering. Only mindfulness and riding. It’s my curiosity to discover who, how and why I become during Ridefulness. A physical and spiritual link and the mind and body link. When you flow with the bike, your mind also begins to flow. I’m finding the flow of riding to unlock the new levels of myself.

Cycling Reflection

I can demand more of myself. There is more I can bring, share, give and put out. I cannot give up or give into my doubts, unnecessary thoughts and negative feelings. I must not take the mediocre, average or less than path. I want to achieve more, be bigger and better.

What can I do to demand more?

Don’t lose focus on my goals or purpose. Constantly think and make every decision based on the goals. Be intentional with my actions and deliberate push myself towards what I am aiming for. Its up to me to strive and drive for what I can become. I set myself up for success, continue to stay strong and build my commitment with habits to persevere and be disciplined.

Challenge myself to be better each day by putting myself in uncomfortable zones.

Settle only for greatness and don’t negotiate with myself to be good enough. Move. take action. Gain momentum. I can’t wait and stay still thinking it will come. I must take the step to change and grow. I believe I am created and made for a reason. It is an adventure to find that reason, explore it and do everything to reach and become that purpose. Do it for myself and not live someone else’s dream. The outcome will ultimately be for the world but do it for myself first to be exceptionally great to share with the world.

I love sharing my experiences of cycling to all and thank you for the time to read my blog. Hope you enjoyed the cycling experiences.




Connecting with the cyclist-minded and reaching another state in physical health and mental wellness in riding experiences