The Gift of Riding

3 min readNov 1, 2020

Experiencing life on a bike.

It is an absolute gift and joy to ride. I had a wonderful revelation of this special feeling on one of my weekend rides, setting out with beautiful clear skies, towards the countryside with rolling hills, valleys and epic landscapes of farmland and wineries.

A weekend ride is waking up at 5:30am for breakfast and getting ready to roll out at 6:30am. That’s considered sleeping in for this occasion. Most weekday rides start at 5:30am to fit in one and half hour of riding before work. It was nice to have an extra thirty minutes of sleep.

Along with another rider, we headed off. With cool temperatures still lingering we encountered misty pockets through the residential roads then beaming sunlight cutting past the tree branches concaving the roads from the sunrise. What a sight to start the ride! After following the suburban roads, we were soon captivated by open landscapes of green fields, wild hopping rabbits, grazing cows and chirping birds. It felt like a nature exploration ride to observe the native animals in the countryside. We then passed a few small towns, the presence we encountered was complete stillness and peacefulness.

It was during a steady 10km incline hill where I had a moment of awe. I looked at the time. It was only 8:34am and here I am riding, already witnessing stunning glimpses of picturesque nature, riding past silent towns and ridden over 40kms. Yet, the day hasn’t started for some people, still in bed asleep. This thought engulfed me as I was riding. It’s not about self-proclaiming or boasting about what I’ve done that make me better.

The thought is I got to ride today. I am fortunate to have a bike, to have the energy, to have the urge to ride, the passion to go somewhere to ride, the ability and fitness to ride. It is a joy and gift to ride.

Being on a bike is such a pleasure and to experience this each day is so euphoric. My mind, body and spirit aligned and connected as I pedal on my bike. I’m so glad to have an immense passion and excitement for riding to wake me up for the morning. I feel so alive, living my best potential each morning, super energized and feeling happy to begin each day with an awesome ride. But most importantly, I am experiencing life on a bike and I hope I can share this with people and give them the gift of riding a bike.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I love sharing my experiences of cycling and hope you enjoy my life experiences.




Connecting with the cyclist-minded and reaching another state in physical health and mental wellness in riding experiences